Founded in 2007, Oasis Overseas has been a pioneering global comprehensive modern agricultural industrial, trade, and distribution entity group. Our headquarters in Dubai serve as the hub for a network that spans China, Bangladesh, Kenya, India, Saudi Arabia, Zambia, Tanzania, and over 35 countries worldwide, reflecting our commitment to a sustainable and interconnected future.

Oasis Overseas
Oasis Overseas

At Oasis Overseas, our operations in agriculture manufacturing, feed ingredients trading, and commodity trading are more than business ventures; they are a testament to our dedication to fostering sustainable growth. With an annual turnover of $631 million, we prioritize sustainability in every aspect of our operations.

Our initiatives extend beyond profits to encourage farmers to embrace non-genetically modified and organic crops. Through new modern financial solutions, we aid farmers in overcoming challenges, aligning our strategies with the principles of sustainability. The 'Green Collar Plan' represents our commitment to empowering a new generation of farmers, cultivating both crops and sustainable practices.

Oasis Overseas
Oasis Overseas

Oasis Overseas is at the forefront of revolutionizing agriculture with a sustainable approach. Our pioneering concept, the Agro Value Chain, integrates every step of the agricultural process, from trading to manufacturing, fostering a holistic and sustainable framework.